Posted Wednesday, October 23, 2011 By
Shree Hari
Ram Ram
23rd October, 2011, Sunday
Kartik Krishna Ekadashi, Shanivar, Vikram Samvat 2068
Immense Grace in Unfavorable Situations
God's immense grace is present, in unfavorable situations. It is His utmost mercy! But this does not mean that you desire unfavorable situations. We are not to want either the favorable or the unfavorable, but whatever situations and circumstances God hurls at us, let us remain ever joyful in them. If God sends unfavorable, then understand that it is His immense grace. It has come in Valmiki Ramayan's Aranyakaand -
Sulabhaah purushaa raajan satatan priyavaadinah |
Apriyasya cha pathyasya vaktaa shotraa cha durlabh || (37/2)
You will find many in this world that will say pleasant words, but those who says unpleasant things, are doing so for our benefit. Such persons, both the ones who tell and the ones who listen are very few. There is a Marawadi saying -
"Sati deve, santoshi pave | Jaaki vaasanaa teen lok mein jaave ||"
If there is a good austere and pure lady to give alms (Bhikshaa), and if there is a contented person to receive the alms, then fragrance of this spreads in all the three worlds. Similarly if the giver is God and the one to receive is a devotee, i.e. God by His immense grace bestows unfavorable situation and the devotee accepts those unfavorable situations joyfully then this makes a positive impression on the entire world.
There is nothing that is as beneficent as unfavorable situations; however the problem is that no one is grateful to these unfavorable situations. We will remain ever indebted to unfavorable situations; because these are not eternal. They will not remain forever, rather they perish. One cannot make offerings to it. One cannot perform religious observances to it. We will ever remain indebted to it. Therefore when unfavorable situations come, one should consider it as God's immense grace, that a very good thing has happened. There are very few people in the history that will understand this essence. Mother Kunti had understood this, therefore she asks the Lord for a boon -
"Vipadah santu nahi shasvttra tattra jagadguro |
Bhavato darshanam yatsyaadpunarbhavdarshanam || (Srimad Bhagwat 1/8/25)
"O'The Master of the Universe ! At every step and stage in our lives, may difficulties keep arising, by which we can continue to behold Your very rare manifestation."
Mother Kunti used to regard the adversities in life as her most dear friend, because in that she would behold the Lord. Therefore adversities are the mother of beholding God, isn't it? When unfavorable situations come, it is a very joyful state for man. To be happy and joyful in unfavorable times is a very superior form of spiritual discipline. There is no spiritual practice like it.
If an aspirant wants to realize the supreme spirit, then he must rise above favorable and unfavorable situations. - "sukhdukhe same krttvaa" (Gita 2/38). You desire favorable situations, but you do not get that, and you do not desire unfavorable situations, but you get them. Therefore you do not get unfavorable circumstances by desiring them, you get these only by His grace. In favorable situations we are agreeable, but in unfavorable we are not. We are attracted, to that which is agreeable, but that thing becomes impure. We do not have an interest in that thing which is not agreeable, even though that thing is attained by God's pure grace. He who has an aversion towards us, who gives us sorrow, we cannot return their kindness. They will not accept our favor. They become pleased by making us suffer. What a joyful thing it is, if someone becomes pleased without any effort on our part. Thus gentlemen ! hence forth make a firm resolve in your mind that we must remain ever joyful in all states. Whether favorable situations come, or unfavorable, we must remain joyful; because it is a gift bestowed by God out of His grace.
Narayana ! Narayana !! Narayana !!!
From "Sadhan, Sudha, Sindhu" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji
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