Posted Wednesday, October 15, 2011 By
Ram Ram
14th October, 2011, Friday
Kartik Krishna Dvitiya, Shukravar, Vikram Samvat 2068
In the tenth chapter on Arjuna's pleading, God described His super human powers and His Universal form. The essence is - "I am all pervasive in the World. Wherever you see something extra-ordinary (glorious, brilliant, powerful), know it to be a manifestation of a spark of My splendor" (Gita 10/41). That specialty is due to Me alone. The point is that wherever, whatever you find brilliant, abundant, remarkable, there too, the sight should turn towards God. There after he says "what is the reason for you to gain detailed knowledge? I stand supporting the entire Universe, with a single fragment of Myself." (Gita 10/42) On hearing this, Arjuna, desired to see that Universal Form of the Lord, in Whose single fragment is the entire Universe. The Lord bestowed Arjuna with "divya chakshu" (special divine vision) to behold this sight. * On seeing the divine vision, Arjuna became perplexed, became filled with fear, became charmed. Then God said that this is your foolishness. I am the same One, then why are you fearful?
In the twelfth Chapter, Arjuna asked "he who worships the Imperishable and the Unmanifest and he who worships God with attributes (bhaktimarg), which of the two are better versed in yoga? (Gita 12/1). The path of the Imperishable, Unmanifest (jnana marg), are using their own effort, but in the path of "bhakti" (God with attributes) the dependence is on only God. In the path of the Imperishable, divine qualities, discrimination and detachment etc. have to be acquired, but in the path of devotion, on taking refuge in the Lord, divine qualities, good attributes and conduct are automatically and naturally acquired (Gita 12/7). Therefore God says that "you give your mind and intellect to Me alone, there upon you will live in Me alone." (Gita 12/8). God says - the devotee who is living in Me alone, is most dear to Me. As such, all the beings are dear to God, but he who takes refuge in God, he is most dear to God. Simply by being devoted and engrossed in God, good qualities and conduct come on its own, without any effort.
In the thirteenth Chapter, God describes the path of knowledge (of the Imperishable), and while he describes good qualities such as "absence of pride" (amaanitva) etc., he brings up "Unswerving Devotion to Me with sole dependence on Me alone" – "Mayi chaananyayogen bhaktiravyabhichaarini" (Gita 13/10). In the Fourteenth Chapter also there is talks about devotion "bhakti" - "He who worships Me with unadulterated devotion, rises above the three modes and becomes eligible, for attaining Brahma". (Gita 14/26). It is only due to affinity with attributes (gunas) that demonaic traits are born, due to which births in higher and lower forms take place. On walking the path of Divinity (God), one rises above the three modes. (continued)
From book in Hindi "Kalyaan Path" by Swami Ramsukhdasji
If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.
FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 13th October, 2011 – Gita mein Charitra Nirmaan
Ram Ram
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