Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gita on Character Building

Posted Wednesday, October 12, 2011 By

|| Shree Hari ||

Ram Ram

12th October, 2011, Wednesday

Ashwin PURNIMA,  Budhvar, Vikram Samvat 2068

Gita on Character Building


There is one very important point that when the aim is of the imperishable, the perishable things will come on their own.  You will not have to undergo suffering for them.  But if the aim and focus is of the perishable, the imperishable essence will not be attained, and one will have to worry and make an effort for the perishable.   And further ahead Lord says, that see toward one's innate duty, therefore it is only beneficial to fight the war of righteousness for a Kshatriya.  (Gita 2/31).  The point is that it is only by fulfilling duty that man progresses,  and by going towards non-duty he takes a fall.  The main thing in fulfilling one's duty, is to renounce desires, proprietary interest and attachment.  The meaning of renouncing these is that one should not have the aim of "jada", the inert (insentient).  Previously the body etc. were not ours,  later on as well, they will not remain ours and at present  too they are separating from us every single moment.  If this kind of alertness is awakened then the aim will not be of the inert and the senses, the inner faculties will be restrained and controlled on their own.  There is building of character In self-control itself.  In lack of control, and lack of restraint, progress is curtailed and with that the character takes a fall. 

In the beginning of the third Chapter, Arjun asks that why are you engaging me in these most sinful acts?  Lord says – though these appear to be very sinful on the surface,  then too one must fulfill their duties by giving up selfishness, proprietary interest, egoism,  and desires.  By doing so, the dreadfulness does not remain, only the action remains.  Actions can be various according to one's varna (order of life) and ashram (stage in life), but the terribleness, the filth, the passion , all lead to one's downfall, and it arises due to desires.  Keeping desires in the forefront if one reads and shares with others the spiritual messages (with the aim of money or other things), it is considered demonaic tendency and one cannot escape sins;  even on listening and sharing spiritual truths, good character cannot be developed because desire is the root of all sins  (Gita 3/37).   However,  if the aim is God, then even though engaged in worldly duties and activities, then too good character will come in them.  Therefore,  in the third chapter, Lord gives great emphasis on renouncing desires and doing one's duty.   Similarly, in the fourth chapter it has been said that when there is no desires, when there is no sense of pride in doership, then all actions become inactions, in other words, even while doing karma man is not bound;  because his aim is to go towards God.  In the fifth chapter also says to fulfill one's duty - 

Yuktah karmaphalam tyaktvaa shanatimaanoti naishthikim  |

Ayuktah kaamkaarena phale sakto nibhadhyate ||  (Gita 5/12)  

 "He who is a Karmayogi, who by abandoning attachment to the fruit of action, attains everlasting peace (God Realization); whereas,  he who acts with a selfish motive, being attached to the fruit of actions through desire acquires bondage."    Fruits (objects) are the kind that will be born and will later perish, but the desire for them is what is binding.  Desire makes one fall in character.   When character takes a fall, there is lack of peace and whereas building character, one attains peace.  The moment there is ill feelings in the mind,   one experiences lack of peace.  And the moment there is good feelings within, peace immediately follows.    (to be continued)      

From book in Hindi "Kalyaan Path"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.

FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 10th October, 2011 – Gita mein Charitra Nirmaan 









Ram Ram




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