Monday, October 17, 2011

Gita on Character Building (Cont...)

 Posted Wednesday, October 17, 2011 By

Ram Ram

17th October, 2011, Monday

Kartik Krishna Panchami,  Somvar, Vikram Samvat 2068



 A man that has fallen in character, is lower than even animals and those dwelling in hell;  because animal and hellish ones are suffering the consequences of their past actions, and are moving towards human birth, but by incurring sins, a characterless man, is moving towards animal life and hell!  Association of such men will lead to downfall.  Therefore it is said - 
Baru bhal baas narak kar taataa |

Dusht sang jani deyi bidhaataa ||  

(Manas 5/46/4) 

Therefore for improving your character, become inclined towards God, that isI am God's and God is mine.  I am not this world's, the world is not mine.  

The mistake that man makes is that which is not his, those things that belong to the world, he considers them as his own, and that which is actually his, i.e. God, he does not accept as his own.  As such, if it is seen, the things of the world are his only for proper use.  But for himself, God is his very own.  Because the things belong to the world, therefore they have to be offered to the world for serving and man himself is God's, therefore he must surrender himself to God.  Neither he has to take anything from the world, nor does he have anything to take from God.  If something is to be taken, then let that be God Himself. 

By desiring things of the world, one establishes a relationship with the world.  Desire arises from attachment, i.e. desire arises by considering the body, wife, son, wealth, etc. as mine.  Now if we think and accept the body, wife, son, wealth etc. as our own, can we say we have an independent right over them?   Can we keep them as long as we like?  Can we stay with them forever?  If the answer is No!  Than what is the difficulty in getting rid of the sense of mine-ness?  By leaving the erroneously accepted sense of mine, desires will not arise.  When desires do not arise, automatically there will be a feeling of mine-ness with God; because God is eternally ours from time immemorial and God is ever-attained.   On having sense of mine-ness with God, feelings and conduct will be purified. 

Body, wife, son, wealth, house, various possessions, are they real or unreal – this doubt may arise, but our relationship with them is unreal, of this there is no possibility of doubt at all.  On knowing the unreal as unreal, the unreal relation is renounced very easily and on becoming inclined towards God, the eternal relationship with God is automatically awakened.  Thereafter good character and conduct comes on its own and man becomes a role-model of good character, in other words, his character becomes one that is worthy of respect.

Yadyadaacharati shreshthasttdevetaro janah |

Sa yatpramaanam kurute lokastdanuvartate || 

(Gita 3/21) 

Whatever an ideal person does, he is followed by others, as well.  Whatever standard he sets, the world follows the same."


A person of good character is never dependent.  An ideal person is entirely independent, capable, eligible and entitled.     

Narayana !  Narayana !! Narayana !!!

From book in Hindi "Kalyaan Path"  by Swami Ramsukhdasji

If in doubt regarding the translation, please read the original Hindi message by Swamiji.

FOR MESSAGE IN HINDI PLEASE VISIT Date : 15th October, 2011 – Gita mein Charitra Nirmaan 









Ram Ram





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